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Why are boys falling behind? Uncovering educational crisis of Lost Boys (Part 2 of 3)

24 Jun 2024

Girls have made tremendous academic progress in past centuries. Studies often show that girls outdo boys in grades and are more likely to attend college. But it's important to support boys who struggle in school to improve overall human development. In the previous post, we learned what causes the Lost Boys phenomena. Now, what can we do to help?

AI generated boy in distress while trying to study

Community Interventions to help boys from falling behind

Hands-on learning methods that make learning fun should be a mandatory teaching method. Activities like project-based learning, vocational training, and change of learning environments supercharged with AI tools can be super effective. In fact, Gitnux has compiled very promising statistics on this form of pedagogy. (1)

Among some of them include:

62% of teachers say its more effective when combined with digital tools
62% of teachers say its more effective when combined with digital tools
75% of elementary students show better focus and engagement
Over half of student population are kinesthetic learners

Besides that, teachers should be able to recognize psychological signs of boys who need academic help. A study by Great Smoky Mountain Study shows that 36.7% of children are diagnosed with at least one mental disorder. And they aren’t even 16 yet. (2) It was also highlighted in a study by Oxford that children often fear of being diagnosed if the one giving them, is the teacher themselves. (3) So, it’s crucial for teachers to put careful attention and receive proper training.

Personalized learning approaches is beneficial to students in the long run, whether in an individual or a group setting (i.e. in school). A study by the Universities of Sussex and Cambridge and London Institute of Education concludes that this method gifts students the skill to learn. These are the students that will be highly motivated and pursue personal interests and aspirations in their own terms. (4) It’s important to quickly implement this correctly before students lose engagement and interest.

Individual Interventions

As mentioned, personalized attention has benefits to help boys from falling behind. As the term suggests, this pedagogy is highly individualized and requires more effort from educators. Volunteering serves as a great way to reduce their strain. This could include completing repetitive administration work, mentor mentee programs and more.

Lastly, promoting positive masculinity is arguably one of the best methods. It addresses the internal psychology of a boy and influences his growth.  We must break down male stereotypes associated with projecting dominance while hiding vulnerability, curiosity and intimacy.

The very basis of learning is that you have to admit, at least to yourself, that you don’t know something—to ask for help when you need it, Judy Y. Chu, EdD – lecturer in human biology at Stanford University. (5)

By breaking down these toxic walls, boys can dive freely into honing skills and studying interests at their own effort.

It boils down to being nurtured and heard. A learning journey is a personal one and can be ruined by so many factors. At the same time, it can flourish with individual attention, a curated program, mental support, and resources. Check out the next post to see how Artificial Intelligence is helping curb the Lost Boys Phenomena.

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