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Why are boys falling behind? Uncovering educational crisis of Lost Boys (Part 3 of 3)

25 Jun 2024

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is slowly entering our everyday lives. This new technology can influence the Lost Boys phenomenon in a great way. Students can get personalized learning paths as discussed in the previous post. It adapts to each student's learning style and pace. Boys (and girls) who struggle in traditional schools will get the tailored support they need.

AI generated image of a boy studying in a public transportation

How will AI help boys from falling behind? Here are 5 ways a school can benefit from incorporating AI into their system

Flexible Learning Schedules

As discussed in Part 1, boys who may have responsibilities outside of school will benefit greatly from the flexibility of AI tutors. They will have 24/7 access to learning materials and interactive discussions. This allows them to learn at their own pace and according to their schedules.

Localized Content and Context

Educators can program specific content into AI’s powerful brain, aka, Large Language Model (LLM). For instance, syllabus from a country’s national examination can be uploaded with local context. With this information, AI curates a learning path based on each student’s interactions and learning capabilities.

Interactive and Engaging Learning

Gamification, interactive simulations and real-world problem-solving tasks can be included into the learning experience. And like any platform, the interface can be designed to appeal more to boys and keep them engaged.

Real-time Feedback with Privacy

As mentioned in the Part 2 about toxic masculinity, boys may feel ashamed in asking questions in fear of seeming vulnerable or curious. A one-on-one AI Tutor with real-time feedback comes without human nuances of unintentional judgement or triggering quirks.

Data-Driven Insights

Each student is a pool of valuable data. Example of data include attendance, participation, and performance. Any change allows AI systems to analyse and find early signs of disengagement or academic struggle. These patterns enable educators and parents to intervene sooner and give boys necessary support to keep them on track.


AI can change education as we know it and benefit both students and teachers. With those listed above, AI can help prevent boys from falling behind in a traditional educational settings. This tailored support comes with a more inclusive and effective learning environment, in hopes that one day, the Lost Boy's Phenomena can greatly be reduced.

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